History of Pilgrim Assemblies
International, Inc.
The origin of Pilgrim Assemblies International, Inc. was established by the vision of Reverend Roy E. Brown, who desires to promote spiritual continuity through prayer, directions and mutual accountability among leaders as well as to raise up leaders with similar vision to reach the lost and the poor with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It was during his service of Consecration to the Bishopric on July 18, 1990, by Bishop Chandler D. Owens, the Chief Consecrator, which also was the Annual Day of Prayer for Pilgrim Church that Bishop Roy E. Brown presented and set forth his vision of Pilgrim Assemblies to the gathered saints as the General Overseer.
The First 8 Bishops Consecrated
On April 9, 1994 the Episcopal Consecration of the first eight Bishops of Pilgrim Assemblies International, Inc. by Bishop Roy E. Brown, was held during the Fifth Holy Convocation in Brooklyn, NY. Those designated to be consecrated were: Reverend Carlyle Krishna Chankersingh, Reverend Elijah Bernard Jordan, Reverend Charles Joseph Reed, Reverend Robert Joel Rochford, Reverend George Malachi Shorts, Reverend Donald Eugene Burwell, Reverend Claude Odell Timmons and Reverend Richard David Moore.
Of those initially consecrated came the appointment of the Executive Board to assist Bishop Roy E. Brown, Presiding Bishop and President with the advancement and ministry of this assembly and organization, which were: Bishop Carlyle K. Chankersingh, First Assistant; Bishop Elijah B. Jordan, Second Assistant, Bishop Charles J. Reed, General Secretary and Bishop George M. Shorts, Treasurer.
As the Pilgrim Assemblies continued to take form, other Pastors throughout the United States assembled in fellowship during Holy Convocations and Leadership conferences. In 1996 the organization began to reach international brethren who also found kindred Spirit and Scriptural aligned purposes which enlarged upon our name to Pilgrim Assemblies International.
International Expansion & Episcopal Elevation
On April 9, 1994 the Episcopal Consecration of the first eight Bishops of Pilgrim Assemblies International, Inc. by Bishop Roy E. Brown, was held during the Fifth Holy Convocation in Brooklyn, NY. Those designated to be consecrated were: Reverend Carlyle Krishna Chankersingh, Reverend Elijah Bernard Jordan, Reverend Charles Joseph Reed, Reverend Robert Joel Rochford, Reverend George Malachi Shorts, Reverend Donald Eugene Burwell, Reverend Claude Odell Timmons and Reverend Richard David Moore.
Through Challenges to Renewal
During the next eight years Pilgrim Assemblies International, Inc. would experience many changes and challenges, especially on December 7, 2006 when our beloved General Secretary, Bishop Charles Joseph Reed, Pastor of Pilgrim Cathedral of Harlem, transitioned. In this season of our assembly, great health challenges faced our Chief Prelate, Archbishop Roy E. Brown, but through all of these things by faith he continued to lead us forward.
In 2009 with Spiritual renewal and renewed vigor, Archbishop Brown set forth to follow the mandate of the Lord to reestablish Pilgrim Assemblies International, Inc. for the fresh out pouring to minister to the next generations and designated twelve men to be consecrated Bishops into the Pilgrim Assemblies International, Inc. During the PAI Holy Convocation on July 10, 2010, Archbishop Roy E. Brown consecrated the following men to the Episcopacy: Bishop Lester Livingstone Bradford, Bishop Mario Ford, Bishop Ronald Hopkins, Bishop Myles Howard, Bishop William Hudson III, Bishop William Alfred Martin, Bishop Donald Wayne Oliver, Bishop Orrin Keith Pullings, Bishop Allen Ray Rivers, Bishop Charlie James Robinson Sr, Bishop Eugene Seay II, and Bishop Michael Edwin Turpin.
In July 2012 at the Official Day of Pilgrim Assemblies International Holy Convocation, Archbishop Roy E. Brown appointed Bishop William Hudson, III his successor, thus becoming the Coadjutor to the Presiding Bishop.
As of this writing, Archbishop Roy E. Brown continues to serve as Chief Prelate of Pilgrim Assemblies International, Inc. and Bishop William Hudson, III is actively serving as the Coadjutor.
Our Bishops are all in a long line of Apostolic Succession. The mission of our Bishops is by Holy Spirit empowerment, to preach and teach the Word of God, leading mankind to a personal knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through faith. Furthermore, they by example are to function as chief praisers in the midst of God’s people.